Stephen A. Fuqua (saf)

a Bahá'í, software engineer, and nature lover in Austin, Texas, USA

In Unpopular Opinion: It’s harder than ever to be a good software engineer, author Juraj Malencia opines that “good engineering” equates to “bring[ing] maximum value in achieving a goal.” This is a comforting thought for those of us periodically wondering if we’re still good software or data engineers, though we might not be up-to-date on the latest hype.

Pointing out that “engineering does not equal programming”, implying that we can bring great “engineering” (solutioning) value without writing a line of code, he presents a modified version of a venn diagram on how people in various roles spend their time between programming, alignment, people, and “other”. I was bemused to note I currently sit squarely in the category labeled “beware” 🤨. A position that may continue throughout this year, but will need to change over time.

One way that we can deliver value as senior engineers is by knowing when, and how, to break the rules. Although I am now in management, I am staying close to the work of one of our development teams. When I saw them struggling to meet the sprint commitment, I decided to lean in. There was a tangled situation with library dependencies. The thorniest problem lay with library A, which depended on a dozen or so classes in library B. Remembering a lesson I learned from a very smart “junior” developer a few years ago, I decided that Write Everything Twice (WET) trumped Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) in this case.

In other words, I just copied the required code from library B directly into library A. In this case, all of the copied code was highly stable, and generally of a “utility” nature rather than being business logic. Problem solved.

However: I probably could have contributed similar value by simply suggesting that the team duplicate that code, rather than taking it on myself. It felt good to do the work, and helped unblock the team, but it might not have been the maximum value I could have brought to the business. What was I not getting done - the opportunity cost? This is a critical lesson for this first-time manager to learn: think twice (or more) before jumping into the code. Get better at empowering than (hands-on) solving.

Alexander the Great, cutting the Gordian Knot

Maturino da Firenze. Alexander Cutting the Gordian Knot, 1510-1527. The Art Institute of Chicago.


The Ed-Fi ODS/API is a REST API that support interoperability of student data systems. The API definition, via the Ed-Fi Data Standard, is extensible: many large-scale or specialized implementations add their own local use cases that are not supported out of the box by the Ed-Fi Data Standard (Extensions). Furthermore, the Data Standard receives regular updates; sometimes these are merely additive, and from time to time there are breaking changes. These factors make it impossible to create a one-size fits all client library.

But, not all is lost: the ODS/API exposes its API definition using OpenAPI, and we can use Swagger Codegen to build a client library based on the target installation’s data model / API spec. The basic process of creating a C# code library (SDK) is described in Ed-Fi documentation at Using Code Generation to Create an SDK (Note: this link is for ODS/API 7.1, but the instructions are essentially the same for all versions).

But what about Python? Yes, Swagger Codegen supports Python output. But it is not quite enough - you also need to manage authentication on your own. And, running Swagger Codgen requires the Java Development Kit (JDK). The notes below will walk through generating a client library with help from Docker (no local install of the JDK required) and demonstrate basic usage of a simple TokenManager class for handling authentication.

See Ed-Fi-API-Client-Python for a source code repository containing the TokenManager class listed below, which might receive updates after this post has been published.

Generating an Ed-Fi Client Package

The Swagger Codegen tool is available as a pre-built Docker image, at repository swaggerapi/swagger-codegen-cli. We will use it to build a client package for working with Ed-Fi Data Standard v5.0, which is available through Ed-Fi ODS/API v7.1. The ODS/API Landing Page has links to the Swagger UI-based “documentation” (UI on top of OpenAPI specification) for all currently supported versions of the ODS/API. From there, we can find a link to the specification document.

The example shell commands use PowerShell, and they are easily adaptable to Bash or another shell. The generated code will be in a new edfi-client directory. Note that this repository’s .gitignore file excludes this directory from source control, since the original intent of this repository is to provide instructions, not a full-blown client. If you fork this repository and want to create your own package, then you may wish to remove that line from .gitignore so that you can keep your custom client code in your forked repository.

$url = ""
$outputDir = "./edfi-client"
New-Item -Path $outputDir -Type Directory -Force | out-null
$outputDir = (Resolve-Path $outputDir)
docker run --rm -v "$($outputDir):/local" swaggerapi/swagger-codegen-cli generate `
    -i $url -l python -o /local

On my machine, this took about a minute to run. Here’s what we get as output:

> ls edfi-client

    Directory: C:\source\Ed-Fi-API-Client-Python\edfi-client

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        11/27/2023   9:31 PM                .swagger-codegen
d-----        11/27/2023   9:31 PM                docs
d-----        11/27/2023   9:32 PM                out
d-----        11/27/2023   9:31 PM                swagger_client
d-----        11/27/2023   9:31 PM                test
-a----        11/27/2023   9:31 PM            786 .gitignore
-a----        11/27/2023   9:31 PM           1030 .swagger-codegen-ignore
-a----        11/27/2023   9:31 PM            359 .travis.yml
-a----        11/27/2023   9:31 PM           1663
-a----        11/27/2023   9:31 PM         351139
-a----        11/27/2023   9:31 PM             96 requirements.txt
-a----        11/27/2023   9:31 PM           1811
-a----        11/27/2023   9:31 PM             69 test-requirements.txt
-a----        11/27/2023   9:31 PM            149 tox.ini

We have code, we have tests, and even documentation. Here is a usage example from one of the auto-generated docs:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2_client_credentials
configuration = swagger_client.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.AcademicWeeksApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))
id = 'id_example' # str | A resource identifier that uniquely identifies the resource.
if_match = 'if_match_example' # str | The ETag header value used to prevent the DELETE from removing a resource modified by another consumer. (optional)

    # Deletes an existing resource using the resource identifier.
    api_instance.delete_academic_week_by_id(id, if_match=if_match)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AcademicWeeksApi->delete_academic_week_by_id: %s\n" % e)

Converting to Poetry

I like to use Poetry for managing Python packages instead of Pip, Conda, Tox, etc. Converting the requirements.txt file for use in Poetry is quite easy with this PowerShell command (hat tip):

Push-Location edfi-client
poetry init --name edfi-client -l Apache-2.0
@(cat requirements.txt) | %{&poetry add $_.replace(' ','')}

(The default requirements.txt file has some unexpected spaces; the replace command above strips those out).

Missing Token Generation

Note the line above with access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'. Swagger Codegen requires you to bring your own token generation routine. We can build one using portions of the client library itself. The ODS/API supports the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow, which generates an bearer-style access token. A basic HTTP request for authentication looks like this:

POST /v7.1/api/oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: application/json

grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=YOUR CLIENT ID&client_secret=YOUR CLIENT SECRET

There are some variations in how these parameters can be passed, but this may be the most common / universal format, and this is what we will implement here.

Generated tokens are only good for so long; they expire. When a token expires, it would be nice if we could recognize that and automatically call for a new one, instead of encountering an error. The generated code does not support token refresh, and does not have an obvious hook for how to do so. For a very clean developer experience, the authentication and refresh mechanisms would be built into the ApiClient class created by Swagger Codegen. But be warned: if you rerun the generator, it will overwrite your customizations.

Someone with deeper Python expertise can probably come up with multiple ways to approach the refresh problem. This sample code handles token refresh very crudely, requiring the user of the code to detect the problem and try to re-authenticate. Perhaps a Context Manager implementation would help here.

Copy the following source code and paste it into a file called inside the edfi-client/swagger_client directory.

import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from import ApiException
from swagger_client.configuration import Configuration
from swagger_client.api_client import ApiClient

class TokenManager(object):

    Creates a new instance of the TokenManager.

    token_url: str
        The token URL for the Ed-Fi API.
    configuration: Configuration
        A list dictionary of configuration options for the RESTClientObject.
        Must study the RESTClientObject constructor carefully to understand the
        available options.
    def __init__(self, token_url: str, configuration: Configuration) -> None:
        assert token_url is not None
        assert token_url.strip() != ""

        self.token_url: str = token_url
        self.configuration: Configuration = configuration
        self.client: ApiClient = ApiClient(self.configuration)
        self.expires_at =

    def _authenticate(self) -> None:
        post_params = {
            "grant_type": "client_credentials",
            "client_id": self.configuration.username,
            "client_secret": self.configuration.password
        headers = {
            "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

        token_response = self.client.request("POST", self.token_url, headers=headers, post_params=post_params)

        data = json.loads(
        self.expires_at = + timedelta(seconds=data["expires_in"])
        self.configuration.access_token = data["access_token"]

    Sends a token request and creates an ApiClient containing the returned access token.

        an ApiClient instance that has already been authenticated.
    def create_authenticated_client(self) -> ApiClient:


        return self.client

    Re-authenticates if the token has expired.
    def refresh(self) -> None:
        if > self.expires_at:
            raise ApiException("Token is not expired; authentication failure may be a configuration problem.")


The following snippet demonstrates use the token manager with a simple token refresh mechanism. Note that this tries to delete an object that does not exist, therefore you should expect it to raise an exception with a 404 NOT FOUND message.

from swagger_client.configuration import Configuration
from swagger_client.token_manager import TokenManager
from swagger_client.api import AcademicWeeksApi
from import ApiException


config = Configuration()
config.username = "RvcohKz9zHI4"
config.password = "E1iEFusaNf81xzCxwHfbolkC" = f"{BASE_URL}/data/v3/"
config.debug = True

tm = TokenManager(f"{BASE_URL}/oauth/token", config)
api_client = tm.create_authenticated_client()

api_instance = AcademicWeeksApi(api_client)

except ApiException as ae:
    if ae.status == 401:

A strange thing about my job is that, although we’re all about supporting K-12 education data interoperability, we don’t actually work with any K-12 data. We build software, and others use it to collect data from disparate data sources into a single, unified, and standardized data set. But that does’t stop me from thinking about how data should be used.

On a flight out to the #STATSDC2023 conference hosted by the National Center for Educational Statistics (my first time at this event), I finally wrote down my personal principles for ethical / responsible use of data and AI. Many have written about responsible use of data; there is nothing ground breaking here. Yet it feels meaningful, even if only for myself, to acknowledge “out loud” the values and principles that I wish to hold myself accountable for whenever I do use data, encourage others to make use of data, allow my own data to be used, etc.

☝Note First draft, 2023-08-10

Virtues and Values

As a person of faith, I tend to think of virtues before I think of values. Virtues are the spiritual foundations, and values are culturally-relevant extensions of those virtues. While there are countless variations on virtues and values, those below can serve as guiding lights for the principles that follow.

“Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues.” `Abdu’l-Bahá

Virtue Value Correlate(s)
truthfulness transparency, honesty, truth-seeking
justice equity, independence, consensus
nobility human dignity, recognition of aspirations, privacy

Guiding Principles

Admittedly this is a hodge-podge list of principles, with no attempt to be systematic at this time.

Data Source Transparency: Retain as much information about data sources as possible. Vet them for integrity, completeness, appropriateness, and manner of collection. Only use ethically sourced information. Insure personal data usage corresponds to subject’s intent. Give credit where credit is due.

Example: avoid (shady) data aggregator / brokers.

Algorithmic Transparency: Prefer open algorithms. Look for, or conduct, audits to assess accuracy, applicability to the desired use case(s), and potential for biases. Look for explainability and ensure there is a reasonable human appeals process. Does a great deep learning model really outweigh having a good and explainable decision tree or a regression model?

Example: Do AI and cheat detection systems have low false positives? Are there clear appeals mechanisms? Have they been cross-validated against different subgroups to ensure they do not introduce biases? Can you explain why a person’s application is rejected or a promotion has been offered to one and not another when AI is involved in the process?

Side note: Does use of generative AI really matter in the given context?

Equity: Do not be content with doing no harm, rather seek to uplift marginalized perspectives and peoples. Consider institutional biases that may influence raw data (over and under representation). Consider environmental factors that may impact some populations, independent of or in concert with other demographic factors. Be mindful of accidental proxies.

Examples: Account for ethnic / racial disparities in policing, gender disparities in surveying, and geographic impacts such as longer bus rides to schools (“all the XYZ kids have poor attendance” might be due to late buses, or working parents, nothing to do with ethnicity).

Don’t feel virtuous by avoiding use of race while at the same time analyzing based on income, if income and race are highly correlated in a particular area.

Statistical Honesty: Use appropriate sample sizes and/or statistical tests to confirm assumptions. Cross validate results. Use large iterations when bootstrapping and repeat to insure stability of results.

Privacy: Practice appropriate anonymization and apply “need to know” (least privilege) restrictions. Watch out for small sample sizes that can unintentionally reveal identity. Use the least personal data available and relevant for the analysis.

Examples: Imagine an analysis that predicts a certain outcome for a target demographic, and the dataset only contains a few people from that demographic. Apply a filter by zip code. How hard is it to guess the person / household?

Can you use census block instead of street address? Zip code instead of census block? Age range instead of birth year?

Consensus and Review: Seek review of data, algorithms, and outcomes from other experts and/or affected parties. Work to achieve consensus on techniques and communication. Start early to avoid the trap of stubbornly clinging to a misdirected idea.

Destiny: as a matter of justice, of nobility, and of truthfulness: be on guard for predictions becoming destiny.

Example: Whether policing on the street or teachers disciplining students, a prediction that one group will have more criminal / behavioral incidents easily leads to paying more attention to that group, ignoring other groups, and thus detecting (or “inventing”) more ill behavior in that group - thus reinforcing the original prediction.

Sources of Inspiration

Speaking of giving credit where credit is due, here are some sources that have helped shape my thinking on this topic:

And articles, asides, and conversations that are too numerous to remember or cite.

Also see references in:

On July 13, a new statue was placed in the U.S. Capitol: Mary McLeod Bethune. Reading the news, I knew that I had heard this name - yet knew nothing about her. Who was this woman, the first African American to be so honored in the Hall of Statues?

Born into a large family on her parents’ farm in 1875 (she was the fifteenth child), she was taught early to look to the Bible for guidance and comfort, despite the family’s illiteracy. With help from a benefactress, she enrolled in school at the age of ten and eventually went on to collegiate study. Oft quoted as saying, “[t]he whole world opened up to me when I learned to read,” she went on to live an exceptional life of courage and action on behalf all people, most particularly her fellow African Americans and especially women of color.

Mary Mcleod Bethune

By 1904 she was in southern Florida, where she established a school and a hospital. That school eventually developed into today’s Bethune-Cookman University. Her mission reached beyond local concerns, as reflected in her voluminous writings published in papers and journals across the country, and in her civic engagement. She served in executive capacities with the National Urban League and the NAACP, and the National Council of Negro Women. An adviser to multiple U.S. Presidents, she was apparently the only woman of color present at the founding of the United Nations in 1945.

What drove this powerful woman? What gave her the strength to face down the Klan, to push for equality of rights and dignity within the Church halls and the halls of power, and to declare to her fellow Black people in the U.S. that “we, too, are Americans,” encouraging them to stand “shoulder to shoulder with all other groups of Americans, in defending the ideals of this country”? (1) In her own words:

“Love, not hate has been the fountain of my fullness. In the streams of love that spring up within me, I have built my relationships with all mankind. When hate has been projected toward me, I have known that the person who extended it lacked spiritual understanding. I have had great pity and compassion for them. Our Heavenly Father pitieth each one of us when we fail to understand. Jesus said of those who crucified Him,

‘Father, forgive them, For they know not what they do.’

Because I have not given hate in return for hate, and because of my fellow-feeling for those who do not understand, I have been able to overcome hatred and gain the confidence and affection of people. Faith and love have been the most glorious and victorious defense in this “warfare” of life, and it has been my privilege to use them, and make them substantial advocates of my cause, as I press toward my goals whether they be spiritual or material ones.” (2)

Faith and love refilled her as she continually emptied herself, just as Shoghi Effendi guided the Bahá‘ís to do when he wrote, “We must be like the fountain or spring that is continually emptying itself of all that it has and is continually being refilled from an invisible source. To be continually giving out for the good of our fellows undeterred by fear of poverty and reliant on the unfailing bounty of the Source of all wealth and all good—this is the secret of right living.” (3)

Her statue bears the epitaph, “Invest in the human soul, who knows, it may be a diamond in the rough.” So remarkably like Bahá‘u’lláh’s pronouncement, “Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.”(4) Her own drive to be educated revealed her gems, it is clear, and enabled humanity to benefit therefrom.

Bethune was a devout Christian, a seminarian whose words and deeds testified to a belief in the vitality and importance of a Christ-centered life. While I have no inkling of her feelings about the Bahá‘í Faith, she was certainly aware of it (see advertisement below). To my way of thinking, her life serves as a wonderful example of what it means to live a “true Bahá‘í life”: pairing worship and service, championing the cause of the oneness of humanity, contributing to the prevalent discourses of society and to the social and economic development of the community, raising up the voices of women.

Advertisement from 1929


  1. Bethune, Mary McLeod. “We, Too, Are Americans!”, Pittsburgh Courier, January 17, 1941. p. 8.
  2. Bethune, Mary McLeod. “Mary McLeod Bethune”, American Spiritual Autobiographies: Fifteen Self-Portraits, edited by Louis Finkelstein. (New York, NY: Harper & Brothers, 1948). pp. 182-190.
  3. Rabbani, Shoghi Effendi. Directives from the Guardian. (India/Hawaii, 1973 edition). p 87.
  4. Bahá‘u’lláh. _Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá‘u’lláh. (US Bahá‘í Publishing Trust, 1990 pocket-size edition). p 346.

Photo by Addison Scurlock. Courtesy of Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American History, Archives Center. Accessed courtesy of Flickr

Newspaper advertisement: The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn, New York. 22 Oct 1929. p 33.


Other works consulted:

  • Bethune, Mary McLeod. “Stepping Aside . . . at Seventy-four”, Women United, October 1949, pp. 14-15.
  • Bethune, Mary McLeod. “God Leads the Way, Mary”, Christian Century, Vol. 69, 23 July 1952. pp. 851-52.
  • Richards, Emma. “Historic first as Mary McLeod Bethune statue installed at the U.S. Capitol”, University of Florida News. July 13, 2022., accessed July 16, 2022.
  • Michals, Debra. “Mary McLeod Bethune”, National Women’s History Museum. 2015., accessed July 16, 2022.

The Ed-Fi Tech Congress in Phoenix, of April 2018, was a sink or swim moment for me, as I had just started working for the Ed-Fi Alliance. Among the first people I met was a representative from one of the big technology companies. The conversation quickly turned to the question of how to deal with data when the vendor would not send it directly into the Ed-Fi ODS/API. He asked me, “why not just put it in a data lake?” To which I had no reply. Nearly four years later, at last I can give a reasonable reply.

Continue reading on

Diagram of extract from Ed-Fi API to Data Lake

Prompted by a class I’m taking, I decided to try running Python from Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL; actually, WSL2 to be specific). Installing Python in Ubuntu on Windows was relatively easy, though I did run into a couple of little problems with running poetry. Bigger challenge: running graphical user interfaces (GUIs) from WSL. Here are some quick notes from my experience.

Screenshot showing a small program displaying the operating system name Screenshot shows that I’m running Windows 10, and shows a small GUI window opened from both Powershell and from Bash using the same Python script.

First Things: Installing Python in Ubuntu

Assuming you are already running Ubuntu in WSL, then the following commands will help install Python (all run from your Ubuntu/bash prompt, of course):

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

This will make the python3 command available in your path. I’m a fan of using Poetry instead of Pip for dependency management. It can be installed in the normal Poetry way.

I have a thing about typing python instead of python3, so I created an alias in Bash: alias python=python3. However, Poetry does not execute commands through Bash, so the command failed with an interesting error message [Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'/usr/share/PowerShell/python'. Wonder why it looked in a PowerShell directory?

Not surprisingly, there are others who like to type one character less:

sudo apt install python-is-python3

Now the python command works as desired, from Bash and from Poetry.

Enabling a Graphical User Interface

Executing a Python-based GUI app from WSL seems… a bit odd… but let’s run with it, shall we? Because it is a requirement. We will need to use the tk toolkit for this class. If I understand correctly, it is included in Python 3.9+. But I have 3.8. Most likely I could find a way to upgrade to 3.9, but I don’t have a compelling reason yet, and the following command will install the tk support.

sudo apt install python3-tk

Next: how does WSL open a GUI window in Windows 10? You need an X-Windows compatible server for that. There are several proprietary and open source options available. I chose to go with the open source VcXsrv, which I installed in Windows (not WSL) via Chocolatey: choco install vcxsrv.

Once installed, you need to run it via the XLaunch command, which will be available in the Windows start menu. This Stack Overflow post has good suggestions for launching it correctly. I had to read through the first few posts to get the steps right. The application prompts you for configuration. Key values to use:

  • First dialog: multiple windows, display number 0
  • Second dialog: Start client
  • Third: optional clipboard, native OpenGL yes (sounds good anyway), and disable access control (unless you really want to go about configuring a user). For the OpenGL support, you will need to set an environment variable in Bash before trying to launch an application: export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1.

The answers mention opening the Windows Defender firewall to VcXSrv. The way they do this in the Stack Overflow post might be dangerous, especially in combination with disabling access control. A potentially safer* way is to simply allows WSL2’s network interface to access your local server. That means you are not opening your firewall to the Internet. This can be done with the following command, run from PowerShell in administrative mode:

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "WSL" -Direction Inbound  -InterfaceAlias
"vEthernet (WSL)" -Action Allow

* I have not been in the business of writing firewall rules since the early 2000’s, so while I think this is correct, I might be mistaken. Please think through your security posture carefully before following this path.

Finally, back at the Bash prompt, you need to set the DISPLAY environment variable so that the X-Windows commands will be redirected to Windows. This variable will need to access Windows through the network, addressing the Windows computer by server name or IP address. Typically one might think of using “localhost”. However, WSL2 runs in an isolated network inside of Windows and it does not recognize your Windows as “localhost”. So for this command you must use the WSL2 instance’s current IP address. Here is a convenient command that will read your IP address into the DISPLAY environment variable. The zero at the end assumes that VcXSrv was configured to run on display 0:

export DISPLAY=$(awk '/nameserver / {print $2; exit}' /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null):0

Now poetry run python -m tkinter should launch a little demonstration.

And for a more interesting demonstration, generating the windows shown in the image above:

import os
from platform import uname
from tkinter import Tk, ttk

root = Tk()
frm = ttk.Frame(root, padding=10)

ttk.Label(frm, text=f"This window is running from {uname().system}").grid(column=0, row=0)
ttk.Button(frm, text="Quit", command=root.destroy).grid(column=0, row=1)

Setting Environment Variables on Startup

Two environment variables were created in this process. It would be tedious to come back to this post and recopy them every time a new Ubuntu/Bash shell is opened. Linux has a simple way of dealing with this: the .profile file contains instructions that run every time you open a command prompt. There is also a .bashrc file that runs next, whenever you run Bash (there are other shells that you could switch to, though Bash is the most popular). Edit either one.

You will need to use a text editor such as nano, vim, or code (if you don’t have it, typing code will automatically start the install of Visual Studio Code). All are excellent editors. Those who are new to Linux will probably feel more comfortable starting up Visual Studio Code. I use it all the time. But I also use the command line frequently when I only need to edit one file. Knowing how to use nano or vim is a wonderful skill to develop. Of the two, nano is easier to learn, and vim is more powerful. Whichever editor you choose, open the file like so: code ~/.profile. The ~ instructs the operating system to look for the file in your home directory.

Once you figure out which editor to use, just add the following two lines at the bottom of the .profile file:

export DISPLAY=$(awk '/nameserver / {print $2; exit}' /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null):0

Save that. Once saved, you can immediately invoke it, without starting a new window, with this command: source ~/.profile.